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and has changed the lives of 41 children.
Photo Gallery
Photos from the 2013 Summer Tour.

The Alien Pizza. By William.

Photos from June 2012 concerts in Casper. WY.

Saguaro National Park Tuscon, AZ.

Don Thomas and I perform at the Yam Concert Series in Portales, NM.

Photo shoot with professional photographer Cristy Cross.

Having fun in Casper, WY at the Natrona County Library. Photos by E.K Wimmer and Maria Rose.
 Gettin' stuck!
 Awesome crowd
 Everybody Likes Pizza
 How many pizzas do they make in a day?
 Jammin' out on the air guitar!
 All done.
 All good!
 Blowin' a bubble
 Dancing and having a good time!
Images from The Western Plains Library system tour. The photos are from two of the seven performances in Oklahoma.
The first images are from Clinton, OK and the second set are from the Weatherford, OK library.
 The Itsy Bitsy Spider
 The Freeze
 A goldfish?
 Blowing a bubble
 Yawn and stretch
 Shaking our sillies out
 Pizza or cookies?
 Pizza cookies!
 The HUGE crowd
 With Cody and Jed
 Monkey See Monkey Do
 Super Juice!
 It falls right out of the sky....for FREE!
 Hangin' with Cody and Jed
 And the whole gang!
 Awesome promotion poster made by the ladies at the Friona, TX
Public Library. How cool is that?
Images from Reykjavik, Iceland. A concert at the International School and eating banana pizza!

 One of my very first summer reading concerts
in Portales, NM June 2006
 Making the Video for "The Pirate Song" in Casper, WY
 Getting my head squeezed into the bandana
 They made me dress (and pose) like this
 E.K. Wimmer and his ship
 In the drink!
 This water is cold!
 Awesome banner from Wellington, CO show July 2010
 Guitar Poster on white
 Same image inverted
 Christmas program photo shoot