Born: 27 November 1968 in Rockford, Illinois USA
Full Name: Andrew Robert Mason
Mom: Judy
Dad: Michael
Siblings: Xris, Susie, Simon, Paul, Sarah, Jennifer
Children: Two daughters, Kew and Juniper. One son, Lennon
Partner: Anne
Likes: Pizza, Flying, Music, Toast, Chocolate, Burritos, Bread, Green Chili, Travel, Singing, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Ice Hockey, Bike Riding, Sunsets, Vegetarian Food, Solar Power, Wind Power, Nature, Volunteering, Ski-ing, Snowboarding, Walking, Tennis, Sleeping, Driving, Movies, Swimming, Visiting Friends, Cats, Dogs, Repairing, Building, Writing, Drawing, Learning, Laughing and Smiling.
Plays: Guitar, Harmonica, Ukulele, Piano, Tennis, Soccer and Ice Hockey
Listens to: Beatles, Bruce Hornsby, Paul Simon, Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, U2, Bruce Springsteen, Queen, Thin Lizzy, Billy Joel, The Cure, Van Morrison, Ryan Adams, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Bruce Cockburn, One Republic, George Harrison, Led Zeppelin, Del Amitri, REM, James Taylor, Lyle Lovett, ELO, ESPN Radio, BBC News and Kids Place Live.
The Book of Rules, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, J.R.R Tolkien, Arthur Conan Doyle, Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, Dan Brown, Orson Scott Card, Biographies, Thrillers, News Magazines, Smithsonian and National Geographic.
Education: GED Clovis Community College (1992), BA in English with Minor in Spanish and K-12 Teaching License Eastern New Mexico University (2004)
Has worked as: Paperboy, Dishwasher, Grocery Bagger, Pizza Maker, Cleaner, Lawn Mower, Driver, Bartender, Consultant, International Liason, Radio DJ, Car Washer, Pre-School Teacher, High School Teacher, Program Co-ordinator, Summer Camp Counselor, Weed Whacker, Boat Mechanic, Car Mechanic, Tennis Instructor, Adjunct Faculty, Respite Provider and Pilot.
Has lived in: Rockford, IL; Pittsburgh, PA; London, England; Merritt Island, Rockledge and Melbourne, FL; Portales, NM; Seattle, WA; Clovis, NM, Lima, Peru, Puebla, Mexico and Santa Fe, NM.
Has been to: 48 States (missing Hawaii and North Dakota), Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Malta, Mallorca, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, South Korea and China.
Would like to: Tour in/visit India, Mexico, Hawaii, South Africa, Russia, Europe, South America, and Canada; Go to outer space, Drive a racecar, Fly in a jet, Cross the Atlantic by boat and be a good role model for kids.
Dreams of: Hearing one of my songs on Kids Place Live, Getting a Grammy nomination, Performing at the Superbowl Half-time Show, Performing at the Royal Albert Hall in London, Recording at Abbey Road Studios in London, Performing or getting interviewed on Letterman, and paying for 10,000 surgeries by Smile Train (40 paid for so far!)
Drives: 2013 Toyota Prius
Currently Recording with: Mike Davidson and Jake Jones at Crazy Dog Studios in Portales, NM
Has performed at schools, libraries, preschools, festivals and birthday parties in: Australia, Iceland, England, New Zealand, Mexico, Canada, Massachussetts, North Carolina, Iowa, Illinois, Tennessee, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Arizona and Alaska